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SplashID Safe Password Manager

SplashID is the world's most trusted password storage system. For over 12 years, over one million users have kept their passwords safe with SplashID - and now it gets even better with an all-new version.

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SplashID is the world's most trusted password storage system. For over 12 years, over one million users have kept their passwords safe with SplashID - and now it gets even better with an all-new version.

Think of SplashID as your personal vault or digital wallet on the iPhone or iPad. You can store and lock sensitive information - not just usernames and passwords but credit card data, account numbers, registration codes, prescriptions, and much more.

Keeping your usernames, passwords, and bank account numbers in your head, on a Word or Excel file, or written on a piece of paper is unsafe. Passwords can be forgotten; laptops can be lost. With SplashID, your data is easily and quickly accessible, reliably stored, and - most importantly - secure.

Only SplashID offers:

- Access: Free, native, secure apps for mobile, desktop, web, and browser
- Choice of sync and storage: You decide how to store and sync your records with convenient cloud sync, local network Wi-Fi sync, or on-device storage
- Touch ID login
- Customizable record types and categories keep information organized
- Photo capture feature quickly and easily stores credit card information
- File attachments: upload photos, documents, and add notes to any record for reference
- Protection features include 256-bit encryption and 2-factor authentication
- Secure sharing: Safely share records with other SplashID users or even those who don’t use SplashID
- Automatic SplashID Backup service to ensure data never gets lost
- Security dashboard provides usage statistics and tools to monitor and fix weak, reused, and old passwords
- Web autofill saves typing in usernames, passwords, and delivers the correct address from the secure data vault every time to prevent phishing
- SplashID extension available for autofill in Safari

Lock your personal information up in a state-of-the-art data saver and feel comfortable knowing that at any time you can access private information safely.

No other password app delivers SplashID's combination of features, reliability, and security. Compare SplashID to others: https://www.splashid.com/best-password-manager

The app is free to use with basic record storage functionality. A one-year subscription to SplashID Pro gives you many additional features like sync across devices, security dashboard and automated backup for just $19.99. You can purchase the subscription from the app store and it will be charged to your iTunes account. It will auto-renew at the end of the year. Use your iTunes account to cancel the subscription anytime up to 24 hours before the renewal.

You can read about our privacy policy at http://www.splashdata.com/about/privacy.htm

You can read about our terms of service at https://splashid.com/terms.htm

- iOS 13 compatibility fixes
- Fixed issue with buttons not displaying in iOS 13 devices in sign in, 2FA submit, record saving, WiFi sync with IP address screens
- Fixed issue with app not locking immediately upon closing
- Disabled dark mode for app in iOS till support for dark mode is introduced in the app.




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