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Murder in the Alps

Murder in the Alps is a game like no other. It is a fully interactive crime novel with amazing gameplay features. Travel back to the 1930s, solve many mysteries and experience the authentic atmosphere of the time.


Murder in the Alps is a game like no other. It is a fully interactive crime novel with amazing gameplay features. Travel back to the 1930s, solve many mysteries and experience the authentic atmosphere of the time.

The story is set in a hotel tucked away in one of the most beautiful locations in the Alps. But things quickly take a turn for the worst. The tale begins when one of the guests goes missing, and it is not long before other strange events start to occur. Anna Myers, a journalist from Zurich who is holidaying at the hotel, takes it upon herself to solve the mystery. With each new day the plot thickens, and Anna must decide which one of the ten mysterious characters could be the killer.

As the game progresses, you will visit many unique locations, from the airy beauty of the Alps, to the depths of blood-filled cellars. Experience the immersive gameplay and engaging storyline. Solve mind-boggling puzzles, interact with each end every character, and discover which one of them is the twisted killer. Will you solve the case before the killer gets you and everybody else Are you quick-witted enough to figure out all the clues Can you find the answer to the Murder In the Alps There's only one way to find out, so get your magnifying glass and your detective hat because this amazing movie-like experience awaits!

Game features:
* Immersive storyline - experience the authentic atmosphere of the 1930s!
* Hours of interactive gameplay, explore each and every room of the hotel and its surroundings!
* Filled with characters with intriguing personalities and dark secrets! Interact with all of them and find out which one is the killer!
* Beautifully illustrated comics to enhance the story!
* Detailed graphics with amazing animations and great sound effects!
* Built-in Strategy Guide to help you with every step of the game!
* Each scene is filled with collectibles, so don't be afraid to look everywhere!
* Lots of unique achievements, some are easy to get, and some require great skill!
* Amazing mini-games, hidden objects scenes and much more! This game will keep you on your toes!

Follow us on Facebook for new updates, contests and more https://www.facebook.com/crimeinthealps

Celebrate the holidays with Murder in the Alps and try the exciting new Winter Holidays Event! After a busy year, including the last journey to Porto Ceso in June 1933, it is now time for Anna to stay at home and celebrate the winter holidays together with her family and friends. But Anna didn’t have enough time to decorate her house, and she needs all the help you can give her, because the winter holidays are about to start very soon. Hurry up, time is running out!




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