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Duel Otters

The cutest head-to-head (literally) 2-player game on mobile device.

"When was the last time you played a 2-player game and had a blast together"

Challenge your friends, grab each end of your device and get ready. Co

The cutest head-to-head (literally) 2-player game on mobile device.

"When was the last time you played a 2-player game and had a blast together"

Challenge your friends, grab each end of your device and get ready. Compete in a series of wild missions all specially designed for two players to play on the same screen. Featuring lively and adorable otters.

Having this game on your device is just like always having a game console and 2 controllers on you, ready to play together anytime!

Features :

- 13 highly-competitive games that will put your reaction speed, dexterity and finger muscles to the test.

- In Two Players Mode, beat your friend in 3 out of 5 games to win the match or play endlessly in big party in champion-stays-loser-switch style. Select each game as you like, or choose "Random" for the true test of dueling mastery.

- In Training Mode, perfect your skill before you ultimately facing off with your friends, or earn Achievement Points (AP) by defeating harder AI and completing special challenges.

- In Arcade Mode, play an arcade style, score attacking reimagined version of a game. How long could you last, and how much could you score

- Colorful otters! ...and they can (kind of) speak.

Official website : https://duelotters.com
Watch the official trailer : https://youtu.be/4yRr0gEljxA
Join the official Facebook page to keep in touch! : https://www.facebook.com/exceed7.DuelOtters

Hello again, it's been like 2 years. Welcome to Duel Otters 2.0. It's finally here!

I have been through life that prevents me from fully committing to the game, I hope it worth the wait. My original objective still stays true : I want to make a really solid household 2-player party game. Everything in this new version solidify that vision for the future to come.

## New features

- TWO new games : Fruits and Warship. They are available to trial freely the same way as the previous Pinball expansion game.
- All available expansion games are now together in a pack of 3. Players who bought the inpidual Pinball game before will automatically unlock this new expansion pack, containing both two new games, for free.
- Garden : It's a place where you could wind down and relax. There is not much at the moment, but check back often in each version!
- Chilli collectible item : Now you automatically gain "Chilli" every time you play the game (Even in Two Players Mode). It could be used to unlock additional contents later.
- You can replay cleared Training challenge to farm bonus Chilli.
- The minigame "Chilli" is renamed to "Restaurant". The minigame "Fortress" is renamed to "Repel".
- (Beta) Arcade Mode added : This is a mode where you will see a different version of games that's suitable for single player, score attacking style play. Therefore you could enjoy it even if your friend is not here to play two-player with you yet. In this beta version, only Baseball game is unlocked for everyone. You also have a chance to get a lot of Chilli item in this mode for a limited times per day. Go see inside how it works!
- You can now switch characters for ALL games. Finally the lower side could play as the green otter!
- New music composed for various screens.
- If you won the game with a perfect score, an indicator will be shown at result screen for an additional shame for your opponent. (Available on games where it is possible.)
- Hidden scoring option for two-player mode "Event Mode" added : select Two Players mode, then hold down the Endless Party scoring option for a bit to activate. It's almost like Endless Party except there is no match score at all. Useful for organizing your own house rules, how multiple players take turns playing the game in parties, for live streaming, for example.
- Game selection screen remake : it is able to show more games in narrow screen. Plus it is much faster and more responsive at browsing games.

## Complete rework

- All games now looks great on phones with longer screen. Previously, any device shaped longer than 16:9 ratio had too many side area cutted off. Games like Baseball or Cookie are especially difficult to play. The phones are now longer in this era, and all games now adapted to them properly.
- All games gained cutout/notched phone compatibility, and I mean no black bars, it's all full screen! Previously, games like Hockey, Baseball, Chilli, or even tutorial text of all games are near-unusable because the game didn't take account of the screen cutout. (And especially that this is a two-player game, which one player must be on the cutout side!) I am proud to present that Duel Otters will be among the first same-device party game to be ready for the cutout, displaying properly and maintaing good experience on both sides!
- Images in the game looks better overall but with smaller size. App size reduced.
- Fonts are overhauled and now looks crisp on all screen sizes. More importantly, allowing more localization to the world very soon. Thank you for supporting me so far even though your languages weren't available before. It means a lot to me seeing the game being covered online from many places of the world.
- Audio latency is now better on many devices, matched more with what's on the screen.

Full 6 months of my life spent for this update are dedicated to you.
Thank you, everyone. Enjoy the game!

Best regards,
5argon - Exceed7 Experiments




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