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League of Gamers: 游戏大亨

This is your origin story as the most legendary player in e-sport history! Rise from small local competitions to full-blown game-paloozas around the world, displaying your champion tapping talents like a real gamin

This is your origin story as the most legendary player in e-sport history! Rise from small local competitions to full-blown game-paloozas around the world, displaying your champion tapping talents like a real gaming pro!


? WIN small competitions to rise through the E-Sports ranks and take on bigger challenges around the world!

? PLAY and master genres like MOBA, FPS, Strategy and Sport and defend your ranking as Top Gamer!

? BUILD a killer squad, recruiting only the best e-athletes to join you on your quest. Guide them to greatness and feel the rush of ganking on your competitors with a kickass team!

? BUFF your setup to champion level, taking your computer and gaming gear to god-tier levels of awesomeness to keep your winning streak fired-up!

? BOOST your e-sports prowess with different relics that will drive your foes to ragequit matches in frustration!

? BATTLE squads and top pro gamers from all corners of the world and live the dream of every e-athlete ever: getting rich while gaming all day!

Bring your best strategy to the fray and prepare the best builds of your mains: only your A-Game will do if you want to reach the top-tier tournaments! Don’t be afraid to crank up your squad’s aggro and gank your rivals with no mercy! There might be some vendetta-fueled “1v1 me bro” messages for you when you’re done, though, but the more battles, the better!

After winning big competitions, you’ll have the cash to build that champion setup every e-sports fan dreams of, which will give you the power to take on world-level challenges in every game you wish to try! There will be videos shot and guides written about your gear of legends!

There is no cooldown time for e-sports heroes. Power up your ultimate skills and join the League of Gamers now!

You might also like some of our other clickers:

Money Tree - http://bit.ly/MoneyTreeClicker - Grow your own legendary cash tree!

So social - http://bit.ly/SoSocial - Take over the internet!

Disclaimer: While this App is completely free to play, some additional content can be purchased for real money in-game. If you do not want to use this feature, please turn off in-app purchases in your device's settings.

Like our page on Facebook and be the first to know about our upcoming games and updates! http://fb.com/tappshq

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